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6 Quotes That Will Change the Way You View AI

Conversational AI has revolutionized the customer service landscape, offering benefits far beyond traditional IVRs and outsourcing solutions. 

As the technology becomes less of a luxury for contact centers and more of a necessity, leaders who have successfully implemented AI into their operations have already seen the impact. 

But for those still evaluating solutions, or who are still skeptical of AI’s ability to deliver true value, understanding the potential of AI can be challenging. 

Can AI really deliver net cost savings up to 50% while also increasing CSAT and reducing agent call volumes? While there is no shortage of studies and reports that demonstrate the value of AI, hearing from leaders from contact centers already using the technology can be even more valuable. Here are six  quotes that emphasize the transformative potential of AI:

Conversational AI is far from an IVR

“Automation has come a long way in the last 15 years. We’re way beyond the traditional, ‘if you have a question about this, press three.’ Through conversational AI, you can get to simply ‘how can I help you today?’”
– Kirk Hartman, VP of Customer Service, American Specialty Health

Make no mistake: the leap from rigid, menu-driven systems to fluid, conversational interfaces that can understand and respond to natural language is massive. With accurate intent recognition that can even surpass the ability of human agents, and natural voices that can speak any language and dialect, AI makes automated customer interactions significantly more intuitive and efficient.

AI should enable, not replace, agents

“Before AI, nurses were spending time on non-clinical intake. Now, they can immediately begin injury assessments, just like doctors can step into an examination room and know exactly who the patient is.”
– Cindy Gambosh, Director of Workforce Automation,

AI enhances the capabilities of agents by handling routine tasks, allowing them to focus on more critical and specialized activities, thereby improving overall efficiency and effectiveness. In addition, it eliminates substantial friction in the customer experience by reducing the amount of times they need to repeat themselves or provide information that should already be known. 

AI increases agent retention

“We have resolved over 125K calls, we’ve lowered our agent attrition rate by half and over 90% of customers have given a favorable rating.”
– Brien Mikkel, Director of Customer Engagement,
Love’s Travel Stops

By shifting to an AI solution that can fully resolve the majority of most common request types, contact centers like Love’s are able to meet customer demand without increasing labor costs. Love’s experienced transformational gains in savings, customer satisfaction and agent retention.

AI flattens call spikes

“AI and automation have taken seasonality out of the equation for us. No matter how much call traffic we have – whether it’s 1 call or 10,000 calls – AI can handle all of them at the same time.”
– Mike Bowman, Senior Director, Servicing Operations,

The virtually infinite scalability of AI enables contact centers to manage varying call volumes seamlessly without compromising service quality, regardless of demand fluctuations. While there are already hundreds of AI solutions that offer small-scale benefits for narrow use cases, the real value of AI comes from enterprise-ready platforms that are pressure tested on compliance, scale and risk mitigation. 

Measurable net savings

“We are doubling down on automation right now. If there was to be an economic downturn and budgets happened to be cut, we are prepared for them and would still be able to fulfill our responsibilities to our customers partly due to the ROI we’ve already seen from implementing AI.”
– Lisa Rivier, Senior Director of Operations & Strategy,

The financial benefits of AI allow contact centers to increase service capacity without adding additional agents. Not only does this ensure business continuity and reduce leaders’ reliance on workforce management, it prepares contact centers for unpredictable economic conditions thanks to its high return on investment.

Frictionless adoption

“Replicant was able to meet or exceed our goals across all major metrics but more importantly, our partner restaurants preferred the AI solution. During our initial pilot we spoke with numerous merchants who explained they preferred speaking with the Thinking Machine since the kitchen is often noisy and the robot is clear.” – George McConnell, Global Operations Manager, DoorDash

Not only can AI solutions be customized and deployed in a matter of weeks, concerns around end-user adoption are largely unfounded. Enterprises like DoorDash have not only been able to see business value immediately after implementing a solution in just weeks, their end-users needed no guidance adapting to natural, intuitive conversational AI interactions. 

Start delivering seamless, personalized customer service experiences that not only resolve issues quickly but also leave your customers delighted. Download our free guide to learn more about harnessing the power of conversational AI while avoiding CX risks.  

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